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30 Things To Do Before You Leave Long Mountain

30 Experiences at Long Mountain School

Whole school

  • Hot chocolate Friday with Mr Rowlands
  • TAke part in  an author visit and ask them questions
  • Visit Theatre Severn and watch a performance
  • Perform on stage (Christmas, poetry etc)
  • Visit a museum
  • Run a race
  • Visit from NSPCC
  • Visit from one of the emergency services e.g – Fire service, Police
  • Take part in fundraising for local and national charities
  • Wear your own clothes to school
  • Come to school dresses up as your favourite  book character
  • Visit a local landmark
  • Attend a school disco and show off your amazing dance moves



  • Visit local church
  • Visit a local library
  • Climb a tree in Forest Schools
  • Visit a farm
  • Learn to ride a bike
  • Make a mud creation



  • Visit a religious building that isn’t linked to Christianity
  • Take part in the Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award
  • Go away on a residential and stay overnight
  • Learn to play a musical instrument
  • Every child takes part in sporting opportunities/competitions off the school grounds
  • Speak to a real-life scientist
  • Take part in a water fight
  • Experience a space dome
  • Visit the Zoo
  • Help lead our daily worship
  • Learn to swim