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PSHE stands for personal, social and health education.

RSE stands for relationships and sex education.

At Long Mountain, our Personal, Social, Health Education permeates the whole curriculum and is intrinsically linked to our Christian values and Gospel teachings. We consider PSHE to be a vital ingredient to every child’s success and happiness. We believe it can really improve each child’s capacity to learn and remove barriers to learning. Personal, Social, Health and relationship education at Bretherton is planned to develop character through fostering a sense of pride at belonging to our school family, our community and as a citizen of the UK and the world. 


What is the purpose of PSHE & RSE, and how does it fit into the whole school vision?

•Long Mountain follows Shropshire Council's Respect Yourself Relationship and Sex Education programme. This is a co-ordinated county wide approach for primary and secondary schools. The programme provides a comprehensive, spiral, cross phase scheme of work containing lesson plans, resources, assessment and teacher's guidance for year 1-11.

The school programme puts the R before the S. We refer to RSE (Relationship and Sex Education); we place the emphasis on relationships, supporting pupils' understanding and skill in developing positive and healthy relationships. Our definition is based on the Ofsted 2002 recommendations "A caring and developmental RSE programme needs to be more than just biology and the fundamentals of reproduction. Children and young people want reassurance about how their body image, behaviour, feelings, and relationships. They also need knowledge and skills appropriate to their levels of maturity and developmental need."

The resources address the issues highlighted in the Supplementary Guidance to DfEE 'RSE for 21st century'.
"RSE is "learning about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationship, sex, human sexuality and sexual health". We believe the Shropshire programme fulfils the criteria for a comprehensive programme as it "provides accurate information about the body, reproduction, sex and sexual health. It gives children and young people essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful and non -exploitative relationships and staying safe both on and off line".

• We teach children about key ideas to do with relationships and sex education:

  • personal hygiene and related health issues,
  • encourage exploration of values and moral issues taking into account physical and moral risks associated with certain behaviour
  • educate against discrimination and prejudice
  • help prepare children to make informed choices about relationships.

• In planning and presenting our RSE programme we provide an opportunity for pupils to express themselves within a trusted and safe environment. Central to our PSHE programme is the development of pupils’ self-esteem. If young people feel positive and good about themselves they are more likely to take care of themselves, think positively of other people and therefore, develop non-exploitative, caring relationships. They are also less likely to be exploited by others.

Please click on the link below to see our detailed RSE policy.

PSHE lessons are an important part of the week. To support the delivery of PSHE at Long Mountain we use the KAPOW scheme of work on a two year Rolling cycle.  This scheme was chosen as we feel it provides us interesting and engaging lessons to support pupils. 

PSHE Enrichment

Throughout the year we may get involved with national events e.g. anti-bullying week, empathy day. These opportunities give us the chance to explore particular themes in more depth.